Calcium helps you lose weight, studies show. "Really exciting research shows that if you get three servings of dairy daily, you're not only preventing osteoporosis , but you're enhancing weight loss," says WebMD Weight Loss Clinic dietitian Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD. However, that research has only involved dairy projects, she adds. "It seems there is a synergistic relationship between protein and calcium . Eating other calcium-rich foods, like collards, won't do that." Nonetheless, calcium in any form is good for your body. Some of the top calcium-rich foods are: 1. Cheese Most cheeses are excellent sources of calcium. Parmesan cheese has the most, with 331 mg — or 33% of the RDI — per ounce (28 grams) (5). Softer cheeses tend to have less — one ounce of brie only delivers 52 mg, or 5% of the RDI. Many other varieties fall in the middle, providing about 20% of the RDI (6, 7). As an added bonus, your body absorbs the calcium in dairy products...
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