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Chicken ЁЯНЧ Masala Spicy Gravy | Homemade Indian Recipes | Hindi

Chicken ЁЯНЧ Masala Spicy Gravy

-Heat some oil in a pan.
-Add cumin seeds,bay leaves,black pepper,cloves and ginger garlic paste.
-Add onions and salt
-Add chillies,tomatoes and chilli powder, cook on low flame
-Coat chicken into plain flour and then put it into the pan
-Add salt and curd and mix well
-Add coriander leaves, water and let it cook for 20-25 minutes
-Add coriander powder, cumin powder kasoori meethi,coriander leaves, garam masala and mix well

Quantity for chicken masala recipe:
Chicken: 600gm
Onion: 4 pcs around 300 gm
Green chilly: 3-4
Red dry chilly: 2
Tomato: 1
Ginger garlic paste: 1 tbsp
Oil: 4-5 tbsp
Clove: 4
Cinnamon: 1
Bay leaf: 1(medium size)
Green Cardamom: 2
Black Cardamom: 1
Chicken masala powder: 2tbsp
Turmeric powder: 1/4 tbsp
Garam masala powder: 1/4 tbsp
Coriander powder: 1 n half tbsp
Red chilli powder: 1tbsp

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